Workshop Tutorial

Workshop Tutorial We offer various seminars, courses and training courses
(Introductory course for children, beginners and advanced) in the areas:

Introduction and deepening into the subject of astronomy
Basics of telescopes, their handling and possibilities
Observation practice under a starry night sky
Adjustment and optimization
and much more.
We offer a defined basic training, the content of which you can see below. In addition, 1: 1 seminars often take place - you can inquire directly about their content, dates and costs.

The courses take place depending on the type. Day / half-day courses on weekends.
Sky observations, however, are at night and are dependent on the weather.
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TLAPO804 TS Photoline 80mm f / 6-FPL-53 Triplet-ED-Apo 2.5 RPA
Ha llegado perfecto. Embalado superior y puesta punto del e